Friday, August 21, 2015

An Interesting Read

I'm reading "the life changing magic of tidying up" and really liking it. I love the idea that everything in your house and closet should bring you joy. It's kind of a freeing feeling, which I think is the point. It doesn't matter that a jacket I got on sale was a great buy, if it doesn't bring me joy when I put it on, out it goes. One of the things she stresses is that you should devote a major block of time to doing a major "life changing" de-clutter which is focused on getting rid of the things that don't fill you with joy. I admit to having trouble finding a big block of time so I am trying to do one category at a time. I'm almost done with clothes. My next focus is going to be books, then toys and finally the garage. Have you read this book? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I read this book too. I have gone thru books and either donated or brought to a store where they will buy back books or to the library.
