OK, tomorrow is December. I can officially start feeling the Christmas love. In the B of A plaza directly outside my office they are having a tree lighting ceremony and a band is singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of The Year". I'm not feeling really festive right now though because thoselittle annoying colds my kids had last week have turned into a sinus infection on me. Still I thought I'd make a list of things to remember to cherish this season, when all is nuts and the pressure to be perfect is sometimes overwhellming:
1. I'm doing the best I can. So what if it isn't all color co-ordinated and Martha Stewartish.
2. The kids are happy if I can just be there. It's worth it to sneak out from work to attend the school party. If that can't happen, baking cookies is enough.
3. A mess you enjoyed making (in the kitchen) is the fastest to clean up.
4. So I didn't work out today, that's what January is for
5. They are only little for such a short time, try and cherish it.
6. It's not a competition, with my sister or my friends.
7. In 4 weeks it will be over, enjoy it while you can.
Hopefully those reminders will help me keep it all in perspective. I'm going to stop in to Starbucks on my way home and get me a gingerbread latte in a RED CUP!