Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tick Tock, Tick Tock!

As the clock ticks away the remaining moments in 2010 I feel compelled to make my list for next year. I love lists. I wouldn't call these resolutions by any means. It's more of a list of guidelines that I hope to be able to follow more of less as 2011 begins. I have found that if you make resolutions and don't keep them you feel bad which just makes things worse. So here is a list of things I hope 2011 and I will be able to follow:

1. Smile more, especially at home. Sometimes when I get home from work I find my self snapping at the kids. I want to walk through the door with a smile, because truely coming home is the best part of the day!

2. Feel less guilty about working. I tend to have a bad case of working mothers guilt. This leads me to over compensate. It's good that I have a job that helps provide for my family. I should be proud of that, not feel guilty.

3. Exercise a little more. I really feel better when I do.

4. Have more fun. We only live once.

There, that's not even a very long list. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!

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