One of my favorite places is Victoria, British Columbia. Hubby and I went there on our honeymoon, again on our 1oth anniversary and again at 15. It's a beautiful place. You take a plane to Vancouver and then a ferry to Victoria. We rented a car once and once just took local buses and cabs. Because it is a sea level city it has a climate similar to the one we have here in San Francisco. It's also an easy trip for those of us here in the west but well worth it if you live elsewhere too!

Buchart Gardens is the highlight of the trip everytime for me. I insist we got back each time and always find something new to marval at. It's also a great place to have a romantic picnic!

The crown of the city is the Emperess Hotel. We love to stay here. The whole place has a sense of charm and makes you feel like you have steped into a different place in time. Also, the tea served here is not to be missed. They have their own special blend which hubby gifts me with on other anniveraries! We have mostly been here in the summer months as our anniversary is in August but it is beautiful in fall as well. Really, it is a wonderful place to visit!
This looks beautiful! I've never been :)