Saturday, August 3, 2013

Getting Excited!

In the City of San Mateo, where I live, we have a sister city in Japan called Toyanaka. Every 2 years we do a baseball exchange with players there for 12 year olds. All 12 year old baseball players who live in San Mateo can try out and they pick a team of 20. Some years they come here, some years we go there. This year is the 50th anniverary of the exchange and my son, AGB, is on the team. The players from Japan are coming here and they arrive in less than 2 weeks. The boys took this picture last night to send to the team in Japan. Two of the players are staying with us and we are getting super excited to meet them and have this neat experience! AGB is the player holding the sign right above the letter "A" with the sunglasses on his hat and the goofy grin on his face.

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